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【发布时间】:2024-01-10 【浏览次数】:


李正男,男,吉林白城人,博士,教授(校聘),博士研究生导师。长期从事植物RNA病毒的系统进化,遗传多样性,病毒与寄主之间互作研究。担任Plant Disease、European Journal of Plant Pathology、Journal of General Plant Pathology、Phytoparasitica等多个SCI杂志审稿人。目前以第一作者或通讯作者在植物病理学领域和病毒学领域刊物Plant Disease、Virus Research、Phytopathologia Mediterranea、European Journal of Plant Pathology、Forest Pathology、Journal of Plant Pathology、Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology等杂志上发表SCI论文27篇。2018年通过AG真人国际高层次人才引进计划(绿色通道)进入AG真人国际工作。











1.Zhengnan Li, Xingkai Lu, Pingping Sun, Jinhua Sheng, Shuang Song.Complete genome sequence ofAlfalfa mosaic virus infecting Mentha haplocalyx in China.Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 2019, (accept).

2.ZhengNan Li, Wilhelm Jelkmann, PingPing Sun, Lei Zhang.Construction of the full-length infectious cDNA clones of Apple stem groovingvirus using Gibson Assembly method.Virus Research, 2019.

3.Lei Zhang, PeiLing Song, PingPing Sun, WenJun Zhao,ZiQin Li,ZhengNan Li*.Molecular detection and identification of Brassica juncea phyllody and witches’-broom associated phytoplasmas of group 16SrVI-A in Inner Mongolia, China.European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2019.

4.Shuang Song,Pingping Sun,Yahan Chen,Qiang Ma,Xiaoyun Wang,Mingmin Zhao,Zhengnan Li*.Complete genome sequences of five prunus necrotic ringspot virus isolates from Inner Mongolia of China and comparison to other PNRSV isolates around the world. Journal of Plant Pathology, 2019.

5.Lei Zhang,Pingping Sun,Qiang Ma,Xiaozhao Xu,Hongyou Zhou,Zhengnan Li*.Molecular detection and identification of phytoplasmas in a novel 16SrI subgroup in sunflowers and cocklebur weeds. Journal of Plant Pathology, 2019, 101(3): 701-706.

6.Shuang Song,Huan Liu,Junhua Zhang,Chunqing Pan,Zhengnan Li*.Identification and characterization of complete genomesequence of Alfalfa mosaic virus infectingGynostemmaPentaphyllum.European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2019, 154: 491-497.

7.Zhengnan Li, Yunfeng Wu, et al. IDENTIFICATION OF GENOME RECOMBINATION AMONG APPLE STEM PITTING VIRUS ISOLATES. Journal of Plant Pathology, 2016, 98(3): 595-601.

8.Song Shuang,Zhengnan Li, Yunfeng Wu, et al. Complete genomic sequence of a sweet cherry isolate of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus from China. Journal of Plant Pathology, 2016, 98(1): 163-166. (共同第一作者)

9.Zhengnan Li, Yunfeng Wu, et al. Occurrence of ‘CandidatusPhytoplasma ziziphi’ in apple trees in China. Forest Pathology 2014, 44(5): 417-419.

10.Zhengnan Li,Yunfeng Wu, et al. Identification of the phytoplasma associated with peach yellows disease in northwest China. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 2014, 36(2): 151-160.

11.Zhengnan Li,Yunfeng Wu, et al. A New Disease of Cherry Plum Tree with Yellow Leaf Symptoms Associated with a Novel Phytoplasma in the Aster Yellows Group. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2014, 13(8): 1707-1718.

12.Zhengnan Li,Yunfeng Wu, et al. Molecular detection and identification of phytoplasmas associated with pepper witches’ broom in China. Phytoparasitica 2013, 41: 429-434.

13.Zhang Lei,Zhengnan Li, Yunfeng Wu, et al. Detection and identification of aster yellows group phytoplasma (16SrI-C) associated with peach red leaf disease. Journal of Phytopathology 2013, 161: 359-362. (共同第一作者)

14.Zhengnan Li, Yunfeng, et al. Detection and identification of the phytoplasma associated with China ixeris (Ixeridium chinense) fasciation[J]. Botanical Studies, 2013, 54(1):52.

15.Zhengnan Li,Yunfeng Wu, et al. A new phytoplasma associated with witches’-broom on Japanese maple in China. Forest Pathology 2012, 42(5): 371-376.

16.Zhengnan Li,Yunfeng Wu, et al. Detection and identification of the elm yellows group phytoplasma associated with Puna chicory flat stem in China. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 2012, 34(1): 34-41.

17.Zhengnan Li,Yunfeng Wu, et al. Detection and identification of elm yellows group phytoplasma (16SrV) associated with alfalfa witches’ broom disease. Journal of Phytopathology 2012, 160(6): 311-313.

18.Zhengnan Li,Yunfeng Wu, et al. Detection and molecular characterization of cactus witches’-broom disease associated with a group 16SrII phytoplasma in northern areas of China. Tropical Plant Pathology 2012, 37(3): 210-214.

19.Zhang Lei,Zhengnan Li,Yunfeng Wu, et al. Detection and identification of group 16SrVI phytoplasma in willows in China. Journal of Phytopathology 2012, 160: 755-757. (共同第一作者)

20.Zhengnan Li,Yunfeng Wu, et al. First report of an aster yellows phytoplasma as the cause of Rose Balsam phyllody in China. Journal of Phytopathology 2011(11-12), 159: 799-801.

21.Zhengnan Li,Yunfeng Wu, et al. A disease associated with phytoplasma inParthenium hysterophorus. Phytoparasitica 2011, 39(4): 407-410.

22.Zhengnan Li,Yunfeng Wu, et al.Berberisphyllody is a phytoplasma-associated disease. Phytoparasitica 2010, 38(1): 99-102.

23.Zhengnan Li,Yunfeng Wu, et al.Spiraea salicifolia: a new plant host of “CandidatusPhytoplasma ziziphi”-related phytoplasma. Journal of General Plant Pathology 2010, 76(4): 299-301.

24.Zhengnan Li,Yunfeng Wu, et al. First Reported Occurrence of Apple stem pitting virus in Shaanxi, China. Journal of Plant Pathology 2011, S4.63-S4.89.

25.Zhengnan Li,Yunfeng Wu, et al. First Report of Elm Yellows Phytoplasma Infecting Clover in China. Plant Disease 2009, 93(3): 321-321.

26.Zhengnan Li,Yunfeng Wu, et al. First Report ofSyringa oblataandS. reticulataLeafroll Disease in China. Plant Disease 2009, 93(3): 322-322.

27.Zhengnan Li,Yunfeng Wu, et al. A new Chinese isolate of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus from sweet cherry. Journal of Plant Pathology 2009, 91(2): 505-505.

28.李正男,吴云锋,等.三叶草绿变病植原体的分子鉴定.植物病理学报2012, 41(6): 645-648.

29.李正男,吴云锋,等.丁香卷叶病植原体的分子鉴定.植物病理学报2012, 42(2): 131-138.

30.李正男,董雅凤,等.辽西李属坏死环斑病毒检测及其多样性分析.植物病理学报2017, 47(1): 15-25.

31.李正男,吴云锋,等.黄瓜花叶病毒在中国的新寄主-百日草.植物病理学报2017,47(3): 428-432.










3. 利用siRNA深度测序技术研究苹果的病毒种类和基因组变异,西北农林科技大学植物资源与病虫害治理教育部重点实验室开放基金,主持,2018.01-2018.12;

4. 苹果褪绿叶斑病毒和苹果茎沟病毒致病机制研究,AG真人国际高层次人才科研启动基金(NDYB2018-03),主持,2019.01-2021.12;

5. ACLSV和ASGV协生致病分子机制研究,内蒙古自治区自然科学基金(2019MS03021),主持,2019.09-2021.12。


1. 教育部博士研究生国家奖学金,2013年,排名第一;

2. 教育部博士研究生学术新人奖,2011年,排名第一;


1. 李正男;孙平平;马强.一种用于木本植物侵染性克隆接种的装置,专利号:201822229322.X,实用新型专利,已授权

2. 李正男;董亚凤;张尊平.一种葡萄斑点病毒荧光定量PCR检测的专用引物和方法,2016.12.14,中国,CN201611154210.1(发明专利)



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